
Friday 25 April 2014

The white dwarf acting as a magnifying glass in space

Astronomers have observed a white dwarf, a dense, compact, burnt-out star acting as a magnifying glass for another star that it is orbiting.
Nature reports that physicists Ethan Kruse and Eric Agol from the University of Washington in Seattle, noticed an increase of 0.1 per cent in the larger star’s brightness every 88 days that lasted for 5 hours.

 Using data from NASA’s Kepler spacecraft they observed that the star’s gravitational effect was acting like a magnifying glass every time it crossed the line of sight between the other star and Earth, leading to an increase in the star’s overall brightness.
Watch the white dwarf in action and see why astronomers are excited by this outer space phenomenon.

Watch the white dwarf in action below and see why astronomers are excited by this outer space phenomenon.

Thursday 24 April 2014

26 atom-bomb-scale asteroid impacts since the year 2000

At a press conference on April 22nd at the Museum of Flight, three prominent astronauts supporting the B612 Foundation presented a visualization of new data showing evidence for 26 atom-bomb-scale asteroid impacts since 2000. The evidence comes from recently released data from the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization, which operates a network of sensors that monitors Earth around the clock listening for the infrasound signature of nuclear detonations.
 Between 2000 and 2013, this network detected 26 explosions on Earth ranging in energy from 1 to 600 kilotons — all caused not by nuclear explosions, but rather by asteroid impacts. To put that in perspective, the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima in 1945 exploded with an energy impact of 15 kilotons.

For more info on this story follow the link below:

Saturday 5 April 2014

Cassini satellite discovers evidence of ocean on Saturn’s moon Enceladus

SCIENTISTS have uncovered a vast ocean beneath the icy surface of Saturn’s little moon Enceladus.

Italian and American researchers made the discovery using Cassini, a NASA-European spacecraft still exploring Saturn and its rings 17 years after its launch from Cape Canaveral.

This new ocean of liquid water  as big as or even bigger than North America’s Lake Superior is centred at the south pole of Enceladus and could encompass much if not most of the moon. Enceladus is about 499 kilometres in diameter.

For the full story please follow the below link:

Ecuador’s ‘Throat Of Fire’ Volcano Belches Column Of Ash & Smoke

A Volcano in central Ecuador has spewed up a column of hot ash and smoke 10 kilometres high, increasing fears of an eruption.

Activity has been building at the Tungurahua volcano 130 kilometres south of the capital Quito since early February.

For more pics and video of the volcano follow the below link:

Three Explosions on the Sun!

Just lately the Sun has been providing quite a show, 2 X Class solar flares in the space of a few weeks and now, just last night, 3 explosions.  There is also the question if the 3 explosions were in fact one.
Check out the link below for some awesome footage and decide for yourself?

Wednesday 12 March 2014

A telescope bigger than a galaxy!!

A friend of mine advised me of this story this morning and really is pretty awesome.

Astronomers have figured out how to use the gravity of distant galaxies to bend light and magnify images, forming gigantic telescopes that see deeper into the cosmos than ever before.

More than 400 years ago, Galileo turned a primitive spyglass toward the sky, and in just a few nights learned more about the unseen heavens than all of the scientists and philosophers before him, combined.

Since then astronomers have been guided by a simple imperative: Make Bigger Telescopes. As the 21st century unfolds, the power of optics has grown a million-fold. Telescopes cap the highest mountains, sprawl across deserts, fill valleys and even fly through space. These modern giants provide crystal-clear views of stars and galaxies billions of light years farther away than anything Galileo ever saw, each breakthrough in size bringing a new and deeper understanding of the cosmos.

For the full story click on the link below:

Saturday 8 March 2014

X-Class Solar Flare

I was blown away when I saw this! Such amazing beauty with such a deadly outcome (If it had been pointing our way)
The X4.9-Class flare that erupted from the sun on 25th Feb is the most powerful sun flare caught this year so far.    

For the full story please follow the below link:

Sunday 16 February 2014

Space port to open in Sweden

For the first time, traveling to space looks like it's becoming more of a reality for the daily inhabitants of planet earth.
Kurina in Swedish Lapland will be the future home of a 'world-class' spaceport that will offer zero-g and northern lights flights, centrifuge training and more.
The advertisement for the planned space port is pretty cool and I can't help thinking of the movie "Total Recall" for some reason.
To see the ad for the space port click on the below link:

Saturday 8 February 2014

The Great Pyramid of Giza an Ancient Power Plant?

This is a bit of a follow on from one of my earlier posts about the Pyramids but just as interesting!
The below documentary goes into great detail, along with examining various evidence showing that thousands of years ago the Pyramids of Giza and others around the world, were potentially used as actual power plants!
I know its sounds crazy, and when I heard about it I was sceptical,  but I can promise you, when you have finished watching the below, even the most doubting among you will still have to wonder "What If"
It really is a fantastic watch, delving into yet another possible side of the Pyramids you may never have seen before.

Click the below link to watch the full documentary:

Friday 7 February 2014

Discovered on Mars:Toltec Face, Ancient Building, Pictographic Language Engraved in Rock - Feb 6, 2014

The recent panorama image PIA 17931 released on January 30, 2014 by NASA of Curiosity Rover as it looked down across a sand dune into "Dingo Gap" may have yielded more than a pleasant view of the Martian landscape.
As both video details, an object which resembles half a head can be seen protruding out of the Martian dirt. The "Face" clearly has humanoid features, two eyes, a nose and mouth.
Remarkable, the face on Mars seems to refer to the Toltec civilization.
To read the full story click on the link below:

Saturday 1 February 2014

Tiny Components a Step Toward Quantum Computer

Scientists and engineers from an international collaboration led by Mark Thompson from the Univ. of Bristol have, for the first time, generated and manipulated single particles of light on a silicon chip – a major step forward in the race to build a quantum computer

Read more about this story by following the below link:

NASA Video Captures Stunning Volcano Eruption View from Space

On June 12, 2009, the International Space Station happened to be passing over the Sarychev Volcano just as it was beginning to erupt. A newly released video based on several stunning snapshots taken by astronauts reveals the beauty and power of the erupting volcano.

 Follow the below link for more about this story

Thursday 16 January 2014

Breaking News - Appearance of mystery rock alongside Mars rover

SILICON-based alien life form? Projectile hurled by little-green men? What's the fuss? A shiny rock has mysteriously materialised alongside the Mars Opportunity rover.
Admittedly, the rover has just woken up after hibernating through the Martian winter since November.
When scientists compared before-and-after photos of the ground immediately around the robotic explorer, something was out of place.
View image on Flickr website
follow link below for full story:

CIA's Declassified Documents Reveals Secrets About Area 51 and UFO's

The CIA has released a 355-page document which officially acknowledges that Area 51 in Nevada does exist, and the agency comes clean about their weather balloon cover stories. The document covers the U-2 and SR-71 spy plane programs and Project OXCART, the aerial reconnaissance programs, from 1954 to 1974.

While Area 51 has been the subject of fascination for conspiracy theorists and paranormal enthusiasts — and is entrenched in UFO-ology and pop culture — the newly declassified information (with surprisingly few redactions) admits the base was a top-secret aircraft testing facility for Cold War reconnaissance of the Soviet Union.

Area 51 shows up in Google Earth. Via Google Maps.
For the full story follow the below link:

New Exoplanet Imager Snaps 1st Photos os Alien Worlds

It was only a matter of time but it amazes me how this hasn't been in the news on a larger scale!!

 Astronomers have detected nearly 1,000 planets outside of our own solar system, but little is known about their composition. Now, the Gemini Observatory's Planet Imager enables scientists to image exoplanets directly.

Gemini Planet Imager’s First Light Image of Beta Pictoris b

Read the full story below: