
Wednesday 12 March 2014

A telescope bigger than a galaxy!!

A friend of mine advised me of this story this morning and really is pretty awesome.

Astronomers have figured out how to use the gravity of distant galaxies to bend light and magnify images, forming gigantic telescopes that see deeper into the cosmos than ever before.

More than 400 years ago, Galileo turned a primitive spyglass toward the sky, and in just a few nights learned more about the unseen heavens than all of the scientists and philosophers before him, combined.

Since then astronomers have been guided by a simple imperative: Make Bigger Telescopes. As the 21st century unfolds, the power of optics has grown a million-fold. Telescopes cap the highest mountains, sprawl across deserts, fill valleys and even fly through space. These modern giants provide crystal-clear views of stars and galaxies billions of light years farther away than anything Galileo ever saw, each breakthrough in size bringing a new and deeper understanding of the cosmos.

For the full story click on the link below:

Saturday 8 March 2014

X-Class Solar Flare

I was blown away when I saw this! Such amazing beauty with such a deadly outcome (If it had been pointing our way)
The X4.9-Class flare that erupted from the sun on 25th Feb is the most powerful sun flare caught this year so far.    

For the full story please follow the below link: