
Monday 10 August 2015

Gumby Gumby, The next natural miracle drug?

So what is "Gumby, Gumby" I hear you ask with one eye brow raised.. Well it's something that I have recently come across and think it deserves to get more exposure than it currently has.

Gumby Gumby is a rare member of the botanical family
Pittosporum. It is a shrub or small tree native to
Australia. Gumby Gumby or Gumbi Gumbi was the name
given to one particular variety, Pittosporum
Phylliraeoides, by the Aborigines.

These trees are drought and frost resistant with a deep
root and have an erect form growing 7 to 8 meters in
height. The most common of these has a blackbutt.
They thrive in good soil and like plenty of water. They
will survive in most soil types.

Gumby Gumby and Cancer

Hundreds of test cases have substantiated that 
Gumby Gumby is highly effective in treating many 
forms of cancer, from those in the initial stages of 
development right through to terminal situations. In 
many cases the regular taking of Gumby Gumby has 
been very supportive in the recovery from these 
cancers and ongoing treatment has kept recurrence of 
the disease at bay. Whilst tests to date have only 
been successful in some forms of cancer, there is no 
reason to believe that Gumby Gumby would not be 
extremely beneficial for all cancer sufferers.

However, there is no claim from medical researchers 
yet, that Gumby Gumby is a proven alternative to 
current medical cancer treatments. It is however, 
without doubt, complimentary and beneficial.

Gumby Gumby Medical Use and Benefits

Research and tests have shown that the Gumby Gumby
contains Saponins, Tannins and Flavonoids. Saponins
have many health benefits. Studies have illustrated the 
beneficial effects on blood cholesterol levels, cancer,
bone health and stimulation of the immune system.
Some of the activities attributed to flavonoids and
tannin include: anti-allergic, anti-cancer, antioxidant,
anti-inflammatory and anti-viral. In the past few years
tannins have also been studied for their potential effects
against cancer through different mechanisms.

Gumby Gumby appears to have the following 
properties: anti-pruritic, anti-spasmodic, anti-viral and 
detoxification and galactagogue, and it has shown to 
improve circulation, blood pressure regulation and 
boosting of the immune system.

Gumby Gumby has been reported to assist in the 
treatment of:

Meniere's Disease
Chronic Psoriasis
Chronic Eczema
Skin Disorders
Chronic Fatigue
Vein Conditions
Skin Repair
Anti Convulsan

For more information on Gumby Gumby along with products please go to the below link:

I encourage you to investigate further on "Gumby Gumby" as there is plenty of info out there on various internet sites, all of which are very positive and virtually no negatives that I have seen thus far.

On another note I have seen the production of the "Capsule" form of Gumby, Gumby but they are still in the early stages of testing.  I am absolutely positive that they will be available to purchase soon and will post more info as it comes to hand. 

Few more links to start you off:

Thursday 2 April 2015

Big Bang theory could be debunked by Large Hadron Collider

Scientists at Cern could prove the controversial theory of ‘rainbow gravity’ which suggests that the universe stretches back into time infinitely, with no Big Bang.

The detection of miniature black holes by the Large Hadron Collider could prove the existence of parallel universes and show that the Big Bang did not happen, scientists believe.

The particle accelerator, which will be restarted this week, has already found the Higgs boson – the God Particle – which is thought to give mass to other particles.

Now scientists at Cern in Switzerland believe they might find miniature black holes which would reveal the existence of a parallel universe.

To read the full article click on the below link:

Aging space probe records odd emanations on Mercury

NASA released a batch of bizarre sound recordings and video from the Messenger spacecraft moments before it impacted the surface of Mercury. Scientists are struggling to decipher what the data mean, but some contend they sound like human voices crying out in agony.

Messenger had been orbiting Mercury since 2011, but it used up nearly all of its propellant and was drifting closer to the surface of the planet. So last week, NASA officials decided to point the probe nose downward for a controlled crash. “We were hoping it would kick up some soot for spectroscopic analysis,” says Messenger Principal Investigator Angra Mainyu, a planetary scientist at Columbia University. Just what it did find instead is not entirely clear.

To read the full article click on the below link:

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Chile’s Villarica Volcano Erupts!

Volcano "Villarica" in Southern Chile has erupted in spectacular style.

It erupted around 3am (5pm AEDT), according to the National Emergency Office, which issued a red alert and ordered evacuations.

The eruption prompted the evacuation of thousands of people in and around the surrounding area.

Local media showed images of the volcano bursting at the top, tossing laving and heavy smoke into the air.  

Villarica is one of South America’s most active volcanoes. The 2847-metre volcano in Chile’s central valley, 670 kilometres south of Santiago, and sits above the small city of Pucon.

Tourists flock there for outdoor activities, including hiking around the volcano, which last had a major eruption in 1984.

Chilean President Michelle Bachelet announced that she will travel to the volcano-hit area and asked residents to remain calm.

Chilean authorities had issued an orange alert on Monday because of increased activity at the volcano.

For the incredible video of the eruption please click on the link below: